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9th November

The Fear of Vibrating...

Survey reveals that 70% of men have no problem with women using sex toys
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indiana university center for sexual health promotion logo Sex toys never get tired and are always conveniently to hand. So it is little surprise that many women are convinced their partners are threatened by sex toys.

But the belief is a myth, according to new research, which has found that the idea is mostly held by women, not their boyfriends or husbands.

A study of over 3,000 people in the U.S. by Indiana University revealed that 70% of men actually have no problem with women using vibrators. In contrast, nearly 40% of women said they believed use of sex toys would upset their boyfriend or husband.

Nearly half of the total respondents were strongly in favour of the positive statements about sex toys. Less than 10% felt the same way about negative statements, such as, [using vibrators] makes women too dependent on them for pleasure , with the remaining percentage issuing indifferent responses.

Participants, who were aged 18-60, either agreed or strongly agreed with statements put to them by researchers, such as, [vibrators] make it easier for a woman to have an orgasm , and [vibrators are] a healthy part of many women's sex lives. Men and women were given the same questions.

Debra Herbenick, lead researcher and associate director at Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion says her findings demonstrate how important it is for couples to share sexual interests with their partners.

She told LiveScience:

This builds on a lot of previous research that has shown that feeling like you can be intimate with your partner - that you can share things with them about your sexual desires and interests - is very important to a couple's sexual life and a woman's sexual satisfaction.

It's not just the vibrator use but being able to share those parts of your sexuality with your partner that matters.

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